Eight members braved a windy day at Heligan. We were kindly granted free entry and were shown around by Dan Ryan. As had happened in the previous weeks the fungi were not abundant despite the recent rain. We did however find some nice species walking through the Woodland walk and down the Georgian ride.
There were several groups of Gyroporus castaneus a small russet coloured bolete with white flesh and ellipsoidal spores. Not uncommon in mixed deciduous woodland. The mossy trunks of sycamore were home to Mycena peudocorticola, Steely bonnet and Phloeomana speirea, Bark bonnet.

The highlight had to be a visit to the famous Hericiums, featured in the media last year, amazingly they have persisted. Both H. erinaceus and H.cirrhatum thrive on the piles of cut beech logs. Also nestled amongst the logs were thick brackets of Aurantiporus fissilis , ‘Greasy Bracket’ , not a nice name for an attractive pink polypore. On the strawy mulch in this area a swarm of Clathrus archeri ‘eggs’ were appearing. It will be getting pretty smelly around there when they all emerge!

Thanks again to Heligan Gardens for the day and thanks to Dan Ryan for organising it.

This report was written by Pauline Penna
Great to read these reports especially when you can see what you missed!